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The Town of Cycling

By Linda Tancs

In the center of Sweden lies Örebro, one of the largest municipalities in the country. It boasts the moniker “the town of cycling.” And why not? With numerous parks, countryside and nature reserves, it presents the perfect opportunity for biking, which is why the town has plenty of cycle lanes and bikes for rent. Wherever you bike, it’s hard to miss the castle. The medieval fortress stands on an islet in the river Svartån in the city center. Start your visit at the castle’s visitor center, which offers great views of the river and the Storbron bridge. The city is well connected by train from Stockholm or Gothenburg.


As coronavirus proceeds, it is likely that the vast majority of us will be limited in our travels. But this, too, shall pass. Our love for travel remains, so Travelrific will continue offering travel inspiration in this medium. Please keep those affected by the virus in your thoughts and be sure to follow the safety practices advocated by the Centers for Disease Control. Stay safe, and be well.

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