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Archive for kosovo

The Young Europeans

Kosovo is a young country—in more ways than one. The small, landlocked country in the Balkans declared its independence from Serbia in 2008. Apart from its political infancy, though, Kosovo boasts a youthful population. Purportedly with more than 70 percent of the population under the age of 35, they’ve taken on the moniker “the young Europeans.” But don’t let all of this youthfulness get in the way of centuries-old delights awaiting you. A series of monasteries dating to the 12th century are at Peja Patriarchate, just down the road from the Church of Saint Catherine, built between the two world wars. Vushtrri’s iconic arched stone bridge is one of the oldest bridges in the country. Five of its arches originate from early medieval times; four semi-arches were added in the 18th century. And then there are caves. Although discovered in the 1960s, the marble cave in Gadime is one of the most popular attractions. So named for the marble limestone rock, it is believed to originate from the Paleozoic or Mesozoic Era.