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Persimmons Rule in Indiana

By Linda Tancs

The persimmon is an edible fruit, a large berry about the size of an apricot with a tomato-like skin.   In southern Indiana the fruit is a native delight, its abundance celebrated each year during the Persimmon Festival in Mitchell, Indiana.  This year’s event runs from 17 to 24 September.  A major highlight, of course, is the parade on 24 September at 2 p.m., one of Indiana’s largest parades.  It forms at Lehigh Field, moving west on Main Street to Seventh Street, then north on Warren, west to Eight and ending at the high school.  Save your appetite for the persimmon pudding.  Last year’s concoction was a mix of buttermilk, heavy cream, butter, eggs, a little vanilla and a touch of cinnamon.  If that doesn’t sound gooey enough for you, then maybe you should have tried last year’s Gooey Butter Cake, winner of the Persimmon Novelty Dessert award. 


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