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Archive for resort tax

2008 Will Usher In Changes in St. Bart’s

By Linda Tancs

Postcode aficionados, take note:  in 2008, St. Bart’s postcode will change from 97133 to something beginning with “977.”  But that’s not the only change to take place in this small yet sophisticated French West Indies island–the new year brings a new tax on guests.  A resort tax (often referred to as a tourism development tax) of 5% will apply to the island’s 160 + hotels, condos and villas.  No doubt this levy will greatly enhance the local economy.  After all, consider the economic benefit conferred on Orlando, Florida courtesy of its 6% tax remitted by moneymakers like Magic Kingdom properties.  By some accounts, the Mouse contributes as much as 33% to Orlando’s resort tax revenue, which tallied in the $14M range this year.  Considering the exclusivity of this French isle, it’s a wonder that its luxe visitors (including A-list celebs) weren’t taxed sooner.  Better late than never, as they say.